Tonia Alexander

Tonia Alexander

Manager of Accounting.

Professional Experience

As Manager of Accounting, Tonia is responsible for the daily accounting and finance operations for Crosland Southeast, including accounts payable, bank draws, cash management, project budgeting and proforma tracking, and financial statement preparation. Prior to Crosland Southeast, Tonia worked for GEM Management, a full-service property management services provider that specializes in multifamily affordable housing properties as a Senior Property Accountant before being promoted to Assistant Controller in their accounting department for three years. Tonia began her accounting career at Crosland, LLC and has 23 years’ experience in multifamily real estate, commercial/retail real estate, and development/construction accounting. Tonia enjoys reading, walking, and spending quality time with her family.

Affiliations and Accreditations

Basic Concepts of Information Technology I, Defining Projects, and Project Organizational Planning
Certificate of Completion – AIA Contracts, Affordable Housing and Tax Credit – Lorman


University of Phoenix: Skills of Professional Development: Accounting
B.A., Winston Salem State University, Winston Salem, NC
